Privacy Policy Kangwon Energy Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") values the personal information of data subjects and complies with relevant laws, including the "Personal Information Protection Act." The Company establishes and discloses its Privacy Policy to ensure transparency.

바카라 사이트 추천
Article 1 General Provisions
Article 2 Items and Purposes of Personal Information Collection and Processing
2-1 Collection and Processing Items
2-2 Processing Purposes
Article 3 Processing and Retention Period of Personal Information
3-1 Items Automatically Generated and Collected During Website Use
3-2 Items Collected for Customer Inquiries
Article 4 Destruction of Personal Information
Article 5 Third-Party Provision of Personal Information
Article 6 Outsourcing of Personal Information Processing
Article 7 Rights/Obligations and Exercise Methods of Data Subjects
Article 8 Security Measures for Personal Information
Article 9 Installation, Operation, and Refusal of Automatic Collection Devices for Personal Information
Article 10 Personal Information Protection Manager
Article 11 Changes to the Privacy Policy

Article 1 General Provisions
"Personal information" refers to information about a living individual that can identify the individual, including but not limited to, name and resident registration number (including information that alone cannot identify a specific individual but can be easily combined with other information 온라인 바카라 사이트to identify the individual).

"Data subject" refers to a person who can be identified by processed information and becomes the subject of that information.

The Company makes the Privacy Policy easily accessible by displaying it on the first screen of the website. In the event of any revisions to the Privacy Policy, the Company will notify through the website (or individual notice).
Article 2 Items and Purposes of Personal Information Collection and Processing
The Company processes personal information within the necessary minimum scope for providing services.
1. Collection and Processing Items
1)Items automatically generated and collected during website use
: IP information, service usage records, access logs, cookies, MAC addresses
2)Items collected for inquiries about the "Company"
: Name, phone number, mobile phone, email
2. Processing Purposes
1)Analysis of access frequency and collection of service usage statistics for stable service operation and quality improvement through user service usage analysis.
2)Response to customer inquiries and contact purposes.
Article 3 Processing and Retention Period of Personal Information
The Company promptly destroys information once the purpose of collecting and using personal information has been achieved. However, for the following information, the Company may retain it for the specified period with the consent of the data subject if necessary.
1. Items automatically generated and collected during website use
- Retention period: 1 year
- Reason for retention: Analysis of access frequency and collection of service usage statistics
2. Items collected for inquiries
-Retention period: After the purpose is achieved or more than 1 year if exceeded
-Reason for retention: Query response and dispute resolution
Article 4 Destruction of Personal Information
The Company promptly destroys personal information when it becomes unnecessary due to the expiration of the retention period or achievement of the processing purpose.

If the personal information 바카라 필승법holding period agreed upon with the data subject expires or the processing purpose is achieved, but it is necessary to continue preserving the personal information according to other laws, the Company transfers the information to a separate database or preserves it in a different storage location.

Methods of personal information destruction are as follows

1. Personal information recorded and stored in electronic files is deleted using technically irreversible methods.
2. Personal information recorded and stored on paper documents is shredded or incinerated.
Article 5 Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
The Company utilizes personal information within the scope of the purpose for which it was collected and does not use or provide it to third parties beyond that scope. However, exceptions may apply in the following cases

1. With separate consent from the data subject
2. When there is a special provision in other laws
3. In cases where the data subject or their legal representative is unable to express their intention or obtain prior consent due to an unknown address, etc., and it is deemed necessary to protect the urgent life, body, property interests of the data subject or a third party
4. When necessary for statistical compilation and academic research purposes, providing personal information in a form that cannot identify specific individuals
5. When the use or provision of personal information for purposes other than the purpose, or if such use or provision is not made, would result in the inability to perform the duties specified by other laws, and after deliberation and resolution by the Personal Information Protection Commission
6. When necessary for compliance with treaties and other international agreements
7. For the investigation of crimes, the filing 온라인 바카라 사이트and maintenance of indictments, and when necessary
8. For the performance of court duties
9. When necessary for the execution of penal and protective dispositions
Article 6 Outsourcing of Personal Information Processing
To ensure smooth business processing, the Company outsources the processing of personal information as follows and stipulates necessary matters to secure the safe management of personal information in accordance with related laws.

1. Website operation
- Outsourcee: Kangwon Energy Co., Ltd.
- Outsourced business content: Operation of the homepage and customer inquiry bulletin board, etc.
- Retention and use period of personal information: Until the specified retention period and reason expire
Article 7 Rights, Obligations, and Methods of Exercising Rights of the Data Subject
Data subjects may exercise the following privacy-related rights against the Company at any time

1. Request to access personal information
2. Request correction if there are errors or omissions
3. Request deletion of personal information
4. Request suspension of processing
The exercise of privacy-related rights can be made in writing, via email, or other means, and the Company will promptly take action.

If a data subject requests correction or deletion of personal information, the Company will not use or provide the information until the correction or deletion is completed.

The exercise of rights may be carried out through a legal representative or an authorized agent. In this case, a power of attorney must be submitted.
Article 8 Measures to Ensure the Security of Personal Information
The Company takes the following measures to ensure the security of personal information

1. Administrative measures: Establishment and implementation of internal management plans, regular employee training, etc.
2. Technical measures: Installation of access control systems, encryption of important information, prevention of computer 실시간 바카라 사이트virus damage using antivirus programs, security devices for transmitting personal information on the network using encryption algorithms (SSL), operation of intrusion prevention systems, etc.
3. Physical measures: Access control in computer rooms, data storage rooms, etc.
Article 9 Installation, Operation, and Rejection of Automatic Collection Devices for Personal Information
The Company operates 'cookies' and similar technologies to store and retrieve information about you. Cookies are very small text files sent by the server operating the Company's website to your browser, which are then stored on your computer's hard drive.
The Company uses cookies for the following purposes

1. The Company uses cookies for the following purposesAnalysis of access frequency, visit time, etc., and tracking user activity.
You have the option to accept or reject cookies. Therefore, you can set your web browser to allow all cookies, confirm each time cookies are stored, or reject all cookies. If you refuse to set cookies, there may be difficulties in providing services.
Example of setting method (for Internet Explorer): Tools at the top of the web browser > Internet Options > Privacy, If you refuse to install cookies, there may be difficulties in providing services.
Note: The English translation provided here is a direct translation, and for legal or official purposes, it is advisable to have the translation reviewed by a legal professional to ensure accuracy and compliance with local regulations.
Article 10 Personal Information Protection Manager
The Company has designated the following personal information protection manager and related department to protect personal information and handle complaints related to the processing of personal information

1. Personal Information Protection Manager
- Name: Kim Insoo
- Position: Director
온라인 바카라 사이트- Contact: 02-6670-9000,
2. Personal Information Management Department
- Department: Management Support Team
- Person in charge: Han Seulgi
온라인 바카라 사이트- Contact: 02-6670-9000,
Data subjects can contact the designated personal information protection manager and department for any inquiries, complaints, damage relief, or other matters related to personal information protection arising during the use of the Company's services. The Company will respond promptly and handle the inquiries.

For other needs related to reporting or consulting on personal information breaches, please contact the following organizations

- Personal Information Breach Report Center ( / 118)
- Personal Information Dispute Resolution Committee ( / 1833-6972)
- Cyber Investigation Department, Supreme Prosecutors' Office ( / 1301)
- Cyber Safety Bureau, National Police Agency ( / 182)
Article 11 Changes to the Privacy Policy
This privacy policy is effective from August 1, 2018.